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An Original Belle

  Produced by Charles Aldarondo

  An Original Belle

  By: E. P. Roe



  No race of men, scarcely an individual, is so devoid of intelligenceas not to recognize power. Few gifts are more courted. Power isalmost as varied as character, and the kind of power most desiredor appreciated is a good measure of character. The pre-eminencefurnished by thew and muscle is most generally recognized; but, asmen reach levels above the animal, other qualities take the lead.It is seen that the immaterial spirit wins the greater triumphs,--thatthe brainless giant, compared with the dwarf of trained intelligence,can accomplish little. The scale runs on into the moral qualities,until at last humanity has given its sanction to the Divine words,"Whosoever will be chief among you, let him be your servant." Thefew who have successfully grasped the lever of which Archimedesdreamed are those who have attained the highest power to serve theworld.

  Among the myriad phases of power, perhaps that of a gifted andbeautiful woman is the most subtile and hard to define. It is notthe result of mere beauty, although that may be an important element;and if wit, intelligence, learning, accomplishments, and goodnessare added, all combined cannot wholly explain the power that somewomen possess. Deeper, perhaps more potent, than all else, is anindividuality which distinguishes one woman from all others, andimparts her own peculiar fascination. Of course, such words do notapply to those who are content to be commonplace themselves, andwho are satisfied with the ordinary homage of ordinary minds, orthe conventional attention of men who are incited to nothing better.

  One of the purposes of this story is to illustrate the power of ayoung girl not so beautiful or so good as many of her sisters. Shewas rather commonplace at first, but circumstances led her to theendeavor to be true to her own nature and conscience and to adopta very simple scheme of life. She achieved no marvellous success,nothing beyond the ability of multitudes like herself.

  I have also sought to reproduce with some color of life and realitya critical period in our civil war. The scenes and events of thestory culminate practically in the summer of 1863. The novel wasnot written for the sake of the scenes or events. They are employedmerely to illustrate character at the time and to indicate itsdevelopment.

  The reader in the South must be bitter and prejudiced indeed ifhe does not discover that I have sought to be fair to the impulsesand motives of its people.

  In touching upon the Battle of Gettysburg and other historicalevents, I will briefly say that I have carefully consulted authenticsources of information. For the graphic suggestion of certaindetails I am indebted to the "History of the 124th Regt. N.Y.S.V.,"by Col. Charles H. Weygant, to the recollections of Capt. ThomasTaft and other veterans now living.

  Lieut.-Col. H. C. Hasbrouck, commandant of Cadets at West Point,has kindly read the proof of chapters relating to the battle ofGettysburgh.

  My story is also related to the New York Draft Riots of 1863, anhistorical record not dwelt upon before in fiction to my knowledge.It is almost impossible to impart an adequate impression of thatreign of terror. I have not hoped to do this, or to give anythinglike a detailed and complete account of events. The scenes andincidents described, however, had their counterpart in fact. Rev.Dr. Howard Crosby of New York saw a young man face and dispersea mob of hundreds, by stepping out upon the porch of his home andshooting the leader. This event took place late at night.

  I have consulted "Sketches of the Draft Riots in 1863," by Hon. J.T. Headley, the files of the Press of that time, and other records.

  The Hon. Thomas C. Acton. Superintendent of the Metropolitan Policeduring the riot, accorded me a hearing, and very kindly followedthe thread of my story through the stormy period in question.

  E. P. R